Wireless Assessment for Michigan Offices

Wireless Assessment for Michigan Offices


Our financeindustry client, situated in a bustling metropolitan area across multiplebuildings on campus, encountered persistent challenges. Clients struggled tomaintain a reliable and consistent wireless connection at their workstationsand while moving within the premises. In anticipation of future expansion andto address existing connectivity issues effectively, an urgent requirementarose for a comprehensive survey and remediation plan to enhance wirelesscoverage and performance throughout the entire campus.


Conductingmeticulous Passive and Predictive site surveys across three multi-storylocations, we meticulously evaluated the Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) andcloud-based dashboard configurations to align them with industry bestpractices. Our comprehensive report identified critical areas for improvementand provided the client with tailored solutions to optimise their wirelessnetwork performance and ensure compliance standards are met. We delivered arobust and tailored wireless network solution for enhanced connectivity andseamless operations by strategically placing access points and definingcoverage areas based on specific wireless needs.


With the successful implementation of a comprehensive surveyand remediation plan across the multi-story locations of our finance industryclient's campus, we have achieved optimal radio frequency coverage for voiceand data transmission. By conducting Passive and Predictive site surveys,reviewing the Wireless LAN Controller configurations, and strategically placingaccess points based on wireless coverage needs, we have ensured that theclient's wireless network offers seamless connectivity throughout theirworkspace. This enhanced infrastructure guarantees improved client supplicantfunction and elevate employee productivity and satisfaction by providing areliable and consistent wireless connection at their desks and while movingwithin the buildings.



Infrastructure Implementations
Key Personnel