Gigamon and ExtraHop for Monitoring and Analytics

Gigamon and ExtraHop for Monitoring and Analytics


Our customerencountered obstacles with visibility into their environment, leading toperformance issues. They sought a comprehensive solution to gain a completeunderstanding of their network activities and address the performancechallenges effectively.


We implementeda robust solution by utilizing Gigamon for monitoring network changes,performance evaluation, and traffic pattern analysis, along with Extrahop foradvanced network analytics, thereby enhancing our network performancemonitoring capabilities.


By implementing Gigamon for monitoring network changes,performance evaluation, and traffic pattern analysis, along with Extrahop foradvanced network analytics, our organization can gain a comprehensive view ofnetwork activities and performance metrics in real-time, allowing for proactivemonitoring and rapid response to anomalies, optimize network performance byidentifying bottlenecks, optimizing traffic flow, and ensuring efficientresource utilization, enhance network security by detecting and mitigatingpotential threats, intrusions, and suspicious activities promptly, utilizeadvanced analytics to extract valuable insights from network data, enablinginformed decision-making and strategic planning and ensure compliance with dataprotection regulations and industry standards by monitoring and managingnetwork activities effectively.

Gigamon monitoring network changes, looking at performance, traffic patterns and Extrahop for analytics Network performance monitoring


Visibility , Analytics, Detection & Response
Security Implementations
Infrastructure Implementations
Key Personnel